Man, I gotta tell you, when the Stay Home, Stay Safe order first hit, I was so full of enthusiasm and motivation (and obviously full of all the other emotions due to Covid) that I would have the time to write a blog every Monday. Clearly, that did not happen, and I am still as bad at keeping up on blogs as I was before.
But hey, better late and out of order than never, right?!
Ashley & Gordon are another couple who had to make the difficult decision to postpone their wedding until next summer. They were having a smaller wedding to begin with, but with travel restrictions and all the rest, they decided to postpone their small, ADK wedding until next summer. I am just so happy that I was available for their date next year and am oh so looking forward to it!
We decided to meet at Red Rocks in South Burlington, as these two were experts when it comes to this beautiful space in Burlington. They are lucky enough to live next to one of the boundary lines of the park so the frequent the park often. They were so excited to show me spots they already had in mind to shoot, and even have their own names for them like "The Fern Wall" and "The Swamp".
We spent the beautiful, sunny June evening getting to know each other, enjoying the park, and taking some amazing photos. These twos were pros, and I barely had to direct them at all!
So have a look at Ashley & Gordon's Red Rocks Engagement Session! That lighting was on *point*!
